Friday, December 17, 2010

Chicken in a Bag

Kip in een Zak

4 kippenbouten/ chicken thighs
1 chorizo worst, gesneden/ chorizo sausage, sliced
1/2 rood paprika, gesneden/ red capsicum, sliced
1 handvool olijven, gestenigd/handful of olives, pitted
1 tomaat, gevild, blokjes gesneden/ tomato, seeded and diced
4 paddestoel, gesneden/mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup zongedroogde tomaat/sun dried tomato
1/2 cup artisjokken/ artichokes
1/2 ui, gesneden/onion, sliced
1 theelepel Italiaanse kruid/teaspoon of Italian herbs
zout/peper salt/pepper
verpakken in foile/ wrap in foil
bakken in de oven 170deg C 30 minuten/ bake in oven

serveer met cous cous, salade/ serve with cous cous, salad

Gezondheid!/ good health/ good eating/ bon appetite


  1. while I read I realize it's in Flemish :-)
    sounds yummie, tx

  2. I’ve tried this recipe. Gosh it was real yummie. Thank you!!!
    Chorizo gave a wonderful taste. In fact I will make it for dinner on New Year’s Eve.
    Served it with rice where I add saffron in the water (yellow rice) and a chickenstockcube.

  3. that's the way Sas! everybody, these recipes are mostly pretty easy, and you can modify at will
